Coat - USC £90 £45 // Jumper - PRIMARK £7 // Jeans - RIVER ISLAND £10 // Converse - OFFICE £55 // Shades - EBAY £1 // Bag - CHARITY SHOP £1.50
It was a wonderful surprise from the USC team to send me a package on my arrival back from Uganda. It has taken me a while but to get through all my college work, work work and blogging I have finally had the chance to share this new look of mine.
This stunning Firetrap coat is a fantastic addition to this winter coat collection. Now, seeing this coat in a shop I probably wouldn't have noticed it. It wasn't until I started trying the coat out with different outfits to find that it was actually quite versatile. I'm not sure my photo's best display the colour and material. The detail is so clean and trendy.The mixed wool results is a dark fuzzy grey, and it features a black leather trim collar which contrasts well with the wool.
This is the first boyfriend coat I have had that is slightly fitted, and I've worked with that. So working around the coat, the decisions were pretty precise. All black everything, to make the coat stand out even the smallest, most slightest bit. Simple but effetictive. Keeping the legs with super skinny jeans accentuates the fit of the jacket really well. Black shades as always, they go for all of my outfits, and my purdy sturdy hat keeping with the clean smart look. But is too smart too boring? Or would I just feel stupid for being too smart... In that case, do as I did and wack on a pair of dirty converse. I find it works really well to contrast the cleanliness of the rest of this outfit.
And may I just preach, this bag was such a catch to find in a charity shop for that price. NEVER underestimate charity shops.
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