You may have realised that I haven't posted anything on my blog for over a year. This is because I am now at Southampton University studying for my Law degree and have been super busy the last year adjusting to my new life. Now, as an student fully integrated in my new home town, I thought it was time to step up a gear and get involved.
So this is one of my new collaborations, as a student ambassador for Boux Avenue. For all you lingerie lovers, this means if you click here and use the code BELL4BOUX ... this will give you a lovely 20% discount on ALL PRODUCTS. I repeat, ALL PRODUCTS. This code is up for use all year long, my present to you.
So what has September involved? It's that time of the year, freshers are moving into halls, and the second and third years all settle into their new homes. I have been busy planning out my term, getting involved with freshers fortnight and writing this post for you now that freshers is over for the majority of you.
Boux Avenue are holding an event at the West Quay store on Thursday the 6th of October 6pm-10pm. Student loan has dropped so it's definitely worth the visit. This means 20% of all items in store and a FREE LIMITED EDITION GOODY BAG for people who spend £50 or more. And then afterwards you can get wavey at Cafe Parfait, the only place good for students on a Thursday night.
If you don't live in Southampton, please click here to find out when the event near you is taking place.
Here's some products included in my box this month:
The gorgeous Chloe set with thong or breif (available in other colours)
The Latoya non-padded bra and matching brief is a pretty and delicate set. Also in this photo is the White Chiffon Body Mist Spray and the White Chiffon Draw Scented Sachets.
The White Chiffon range comes in candle and room spray form. Ready to make your room smell gorgeous!!!
Nude Plunge bra is fab to go under vest tops vest tops.
Everyone loves pyjama comfies. I know as a student my fave nights are the ones all cosy in pj's watching films eating lots of junk food. This night shirt and fluffy socks are the perfect combo,
I feel like Blair Waldorf when i where this Tabitha Satin Teddy. Silk is my fave!

The Guipure Mesh Body is the actual bae of bodies.
I cannot cope with how good I feel when I wear it.
A Bag4Life is very handy as a student.
Non-Boux Avenue products included in the package: