Tuesday, 1 December 2015

I heart motel

Dress - MOTEL ROCKS £28 // Denim Shirt - VINTAGE // Sun Glasses - TOPSHOP £15 // Scrunchie - OBTAIN

I know today is the 1st of December (only 25 days till Christmas!!!!!!) but I still can't stop dreaming about warm summer evenings. If I wasn't a broke student, I would most definitely be spending my Christmas back on a beach in Cambodia. Anyway, that's the least of my worries as I have January exams to prepare for.

ANYWAY, can we just appreciate how amazing this dress it? It's the Motel Gaia dress!!! I now have two of these style dresses and I adore them. I love the bright orange sun design on this (goes with my tattoo) AND it's velvet (i love velvet). If it was warmer, this would be how i would style it, making it look cool and vintage, but it's not warm sooooooo I'm wearing it for a night out next week and I can't wait